Community Ministry

We strive to welcome, serve, and minister to all members of our parish family, whether they've been a member for years or are visiting for the first time. If you are interested in these ministries, or have ideas about how to help, please contact us



Eucharistic visitors take Holy Communion to those who are sick or otherwise unable to attend services. These visits include prayer and pastoral care, as well as administering the Communion. All Eucharistic visitors work in pairs and under the supervision of the parish clergy. Once a month, the visiting team meets with Fr. Brian and Deacon Bill for updates and training. If you would like to be trained for this important ministry, please contact a deacon.

Welcoming Ministry

Ushers help our parish connect with newcomers and visitors, and they assist with the flow of worship and fellowship on Sunday mornings. Duties include standing in the narthex to greet both before and after services, taking the collection, directing worshippers to the altar to receive communion, and accompanying interested newcomers to coffee hour. Ushers can be scheduled to serve at 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact us.


After our Sunday worship services, members, visitors, and friends gather in the Parish Hall next to the church for coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Whether you are new to the parish or have been coming for years, be sure to stop by after the service. 

Our Coffee Hour hosts purchase, prepare, and set up coffee and other refreshments after the 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. services. If you are interested in hosting coffee hour, or in providing food or beverages, please contact us


For more than 20 years, St. Luke’s, along with other Auburn faith communities, has been serving the residents of the retirement community Auburn Ravine Terrace by bringing Evening Vespers to many who cannot attend regular worship services. Evening Vespers is an informal service of evening prayer from our Book of Common Prayer. If you would like to help bring worship to the residents at Auburn Ravine Terrace, please contact us